walter schulze-mittendorff 7sins


Death and the Seven Deadly Sins

4. Death and his Entrance

The Death does not appear as just an attribute of the Seven Deadly Sins here; he commands them – and ultimately redeems them from their passions. He, also, appears in a twofold way: seductive and horrifying. Beckoning with a bone flute in his hands he readily strikes up a tune for the dance, a dancing on the razor's edge whose outcome he awaits. When his allies persuasions catch and the Seven Deadly Sins have finished their delusional work, he stands alone. Now he grasps the scythe that he wears minaciously on his back and swings it in great sweeps, approaching the city of Metropolis, symbolically mowing down everything in front of his path. Now, it is stated:

„D e a t h   d e s c e n d s   u p o n   t h e   C i t y  - - - !“

Scene details from the film ,Metropolis‘

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